If you are a keen runner, you will know that sustaining an injury can be devastating.

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T-minus 2 days and counting left to go before you run one of the world’s LARGEST and greatest races, the New York City Marathon! The biggest question now that you have completed your training and are preparing for your race is “Have you mentally visualized yourself crossing the finish line?” This is what successful runners do. They strategize what they will look and feel like the entire race course of 26.2 miles, in addition to their splits during the race. This is a #1 priority because the mind is stronger than the body.
Let me give you 3 easy tips as I have run almost a dozen New York City Marathons and have been teaching runners to become champions for over 25 years…
1. Get quiet, shut your eyes and mentally image that finish time that you are goaling for… see it on the board. 2. Imagine how you will feel when you cross that finish line. Will you raise your arms in victory? Will this be one of the biggest accomplishments of your life? 3. In your mind’s eye, see what you you look like. What are you wearing? What is your body posture? Have you given it everything you have?This is your race, your New York City Marathon. Do your mental imaging and own it!
Best of luck to all of you out there running this weekend in the New York City Marathon!